TFF 2015 Part 2

June 23

We spent a lot of time on the water today, once we got going. Our luck wasn’t that great during the early to mid afternoon, but once the shadows started to grow we started to see some interest. The minnows still can’t seem to find a taker, as everything we caught today was on my blue & pearl Baby Torpedo. At first, things were looking bleak for dinner as all we had on the stringer was a Northern that was really more teeth and bones than fillet.


Our luck improved in the catching fish department, though, and we also boated a plump 18″ smallie. But, when we were probing the shore opposite our island Brian’s pole went overboard and dropped into the murky bottom about 15 feet below the canoe. The water is pretty dark, both with tannins and also suspended matter. Brian has a big treble hook on an ounce weight back at camp and we will come back another day to try to find the rod.



Today the weather was much improved over yesterday – sunny skies and a breeze from the Northwest.

Listening to the weather radio it sounds like there’s more rain on tap for tomorrow later in the day. We’re planning an early start tomorrow, we want to paddle over to Springstead Landing to fill the 2.5 gallon water jug we brought for the trip from the well there as it’s reportedly very good water.


Also, we just want to see what more of the flowage looks like. All day today there were fishing boats that were zipping past our campsite, and not many seemed to be keeping with the intent of the quiet area zone of the Flowage that we were camped in.


Continue to Part 3

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