Do you hear banjos? If so, paddle faster!
Are you going into a stiff headwind? Paddle harder!
Embrace the suck!
A random selection of my trip report entries…..
BWCA 2008 Part 7
August 15, 2008No Comments
Friday, August 15, 2008 Woke up around 7 today. Got the coffee going then noticed the fog that had settled in over the water during the night. I quietly fish while watching it burn off. Joe came out just as…
BWCA 2023 Day 3
July 22, 2023No Comments
July 22, 2023 The day starts off for me around 3AM, and it’s not gentle…. I awaken with a migraine, and its beginnings were starting when I went to bed. Rather than take some meds to combat the migraine I…
BWCA 2023 Day 7
July 26, 2023No Comments
July 26, 2023 Well, the dawn paddle didn’t happen. The weather forecast turned out to be accurate & strong storms blew through camp around 3AM, right when we were planning on waking up. I woke up and heard it coming…