Do you hear banjos? If so, paddle faster!
Are you going into a stiff headwind? Paddle harder!
Embrace the suck!
A random selection of my trip report entries…..
Sylvania 2012 Part 3
July 4, 2012No Comments
Wednesday, July 04, 2012 Happy birthday America! We’re up about 7:30 & shortly are out of the tent and getting a fire ready to cook breakfast. On the menu for today are pancakes, hash browns, and bacon. The fire grate…
NTier 19-20 Day 5
January 1, 2020No Comments
Happy New Year! Despite everyone going to bed early, I was awoken at midnight from ghostly cheers coming across the lake from crews out on the ice and the opposite shore. I give a yell and a woo before rolling…
WI River 2018 Part 1
June 15, 2018No Comments
Friday, June 15 We’ve decided upon an easy 10 mile section – putting in at the Arena public landing and taking out at Tower Hill State Park. During the week prior to our trip our region had been in the…