Do you hear banjos? If so, paddle faster!
Are you going into a stiff headwind? Paddle harder!
Embrace the suck!
A random selection of my trip report entries…..
BWCA 2011 Part 3
Sunday, September 11, 2011 Lakes traveled: Horse, Horse River, Basswood River, Crooked, Wednesday Bay, Thursday Bay. 13.7 miles traveled, 18.6 miles total. 1mph average speed. We’re up early, before 7 tearing down camp and getting ready for the day’s travel…
BWCA 2016 Part 4
Tuesday, August 09, 2016 The first one up again today. I get right to work setting up the stove and heating up water in the pot for breakfast. Matt joins me a few minutes later and we enjoy a cup…
Kickapoo River 2016
In November 2015, our Boy Scout troop selected Wildcat Mountain State Park as our destination for May 2016’s monthly campout. Due to it’s proximity to the Kickapoo River, we decided a day trip down a section of the river would…