BWCA 2008 Part 3

Monday, August 11, 2008 Wake up to paddle across for breakfast around 7AM. Immediately after unloading its obvious Ken’s fishing pole has an issue – the crank on his reel won’t stay on! We can still fish like that but the crank not staying on will be a serious drag on this trip. He takes …

BWCA 2008 Part 2

Sunday, August 10, 2008 Alarm goes off at 4AM so we have time to wake up and pick up Ken before 5. Clocks just turned 5 when we merged onto I-94 in Kenosha to start our long drive to Voyageur Canoe Outfitters. Made good time through Wisconsin, got slowed down some on MN-61 after it …

BWCA 2008 Part 1

Saturday, August 9, 2008 The day before we leave for the Gunflint. This day had originally been our desired day for driving until a friend decided to have a sunrise wedding that day. The wedding could have worked fine with our plans to travel on Saturday had one of our trip partners not been brewing …